
Tuesday 11 March 2014

MDDN 343: Idea Tweaking.

I have made a slight change to my game idea again.

I had a friend ask me why the player would choose to go for either cannonballs or loot, because there wasn't really an advantage to either of them. They did the same thing in the end really.

So the change I have made is this:

Rather than having ship lose health when they are hit with cannonballs, they will now only lose loot (if the player has already collected loot for their ship that is). So now, the only way to win is to fill your ship with loot, and you can decrease the amount of loot your opponent has by shooting at them with cannonballs.

This also means that the player must choose between interesting their own loot stash, and damaging their opponents' which could lead to some interesting matches.

Monday 10 March 2014

MDDN 343: Some Sketches

Here are a few of the sketches and stuff I have been working on.


Including the kinds of obstacles you will find around the dick (crates, shests. ropes etc.) and some ships n' stuff.

MDDN 343: A Few Changes.

So I've made a few changes to my initial idea. Rather than two players constantly going for cannonballs to fire at each other, they will now have a few more options.

-Players can still win by destroying the enemy ship with cannonballs.
-Players now also have the option of 'looting the village' that they have made port at. 

Looting the village involves stealing barrels of mead/chests of gold from the storage shed in the village. The player must then carry said barrels/chests back to their ship. They move slower while carrying them, and can be caused to drop them if they are tackled by the enemy player.

So there are now multiple win conditions. I did this because I though only having one could get quite repetitive.

-Players win if they enemy ship loses all of it's health.
-Player wins if they get the maximum amount of loot.
-Player wins if they have the most loot when the timer runs out.

Whenever a player fires a cannon at an enemy, the ship taking damage also loses a small amount of their loot.

Friday 7 March 2014

MDDN 343: Context!

I have come up with context for my game idea! I was watching Pirates of
the Caribbean, and came up with a pirate-y scenario for my game.

-Both players are pirates.
-Instead of the player getting a ball, they would be collecting cannonballs from the middle of the map to take back to their ships. 
-Once they have taken it back to their ship, it would be loaded into a cannon and shot across the map at the other player ship, damaging it.
-The player whose ship get to 0 health first loses the game.
-Ship would both be parked at a dock.
-Obstacles would include: Crates, Barrels, Ropes and bottles of rum.

Sketch book stuff:

MDDN 343: Game Idea.

I have decided to go with my multiplayer 'rob the nest' (crossed with rugby?) style game idea. I think it would be the most fun.

Basics of the gameplay:
-Multiplayer split screen (2 players)
-Players start on opposite sides of the map, and must get to the ball in the middle.
-After they have acquired the ball, they must get it to the other side of the map (the side they didn't start on).
-First player to a certain amount of points (5?) wins.
-First or third person view. Not sure which yet.
-Players are able to tackle/trip each other. This causes the player holding the ball to drop it, allowing the other player to pick it up.
-Player holding the ball moves slower.
-Players trip/stumble if the come into contact with obstacles around the map. 

I still need to work out some sort of context for my game. Why are the players trying to score goals? Are the players human? Animals? When will it be set? Will the map be futuristic? Medieval?

I don't knoooooowwww.

Thursday 6 March 2014

MDDN 343: Ideas!

So we've been given the task of coming up with a game idea to pitch next week. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet, but here are a few ideas I have though of so far...

-Laser Shark. Has to eat things (people?) to defend it's home. Multiplayer?

-Player plays as 'mythical creature' (i.e: Loch Ness Monster/Bigfoot etc.) and has to get as close to tourists as possible without being seen (maybe to get food or something?)

-Animal herding game. Upgradeable ranch which helps with herding. Have to herd lower level creatures before you can herd bigger ones.

-Platformer. Player has to climb a tree by swinging for branch to branch, Tarzan style.

-Multiplayer 'rob the nest' kind of game. Player must get 'ball' from the middle and take it to his/her goal to score a point.

I don't want to do something that is really story driven. I feel like that would be hard to pull off in the small amount of time we have to make the game. I want to make something that is light hearted and fun.