
Thursday 6 March 2014

MDDN 343: Ideas!

So we've been given the task of coming up with a game idea to pitch next week. I'm not really sure what I want to do yet, but here are a few ideas I have though of so far...

-Laser Shark. Has to eat things (people?) to defend it's home. Multiplayer?

-Player plays as 'mythical creature' (i.e: Loch Ness Monster/Bigfoot etc.) and has to get as close to tourists as possible without being seen (maybe to get food or something?)

-Animal herding game. Upgradeable ranch which helps with herding. Have to herd lower level creatures before you can herd bigger ones.

-Platformer. Player has to climb a tree by swinging for branch to branch, Tarzan style.

-Multiplayer 'rob the nest' kind of game. Player must get 'ball' from the middle and take it to his/her goal to score a point.

I don't want to do something that is really story driven. I feel like that would be hard to pull off in the small amount of time we have to make the game. I want to make something that is light hearted and fun.

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