
Monday 10 March 2014

MDDN 343: A Few Changes.

So I've made a few changes to my initial idea. Rather than two players constantly going for cannonballs to fire at each other, they will now have a few more options.

-Players can still win by destroying the enemy ship with cannonballs.
-Players now also have the option of 'looting the village' that they have made port at. 

Looting the village involves stealing barrels of mead/chests of gold from the storage shed in the village. The player must then carry said barrels/chests back to their ship. They move slower while carrying them, and can be caused to drop them if they are tackled by the enemy player.

So there are now multiple win conditions. I did this because I though only having one could get quite repetitive.

-Players win if they enemy ship loses all of it's health.
-Player wins if they get the maximum amount of loot.
-Player wins if they have the most loot when the timer runs out.

Whenever a player fires a cannon at an enemy, the ship taking damage also loses a small amount of their loot.

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