
Tuesday 7 October 2014

CCDN331: Iteration

After talking to my tutor about my idea of a manifestation, we both decided it would be better for me to do something digital, rather than a physical 3D puzzle. He also mentioned that people who also think about things and do things in a way similar to my manifesto would probably already be interested/involved in a 3D puzzle, and that I should think about something that those types of people wouldn't usually be involved with.

So I had the idea to make an app in which a user would type pseudo code commands, and they would see an interesting visual result. 
Coding is something that is often portrayed as boring/difficult/constantly typing numbers etc to make software for 24/7, which I aimed to change, by showing how it can produce interesting and engaging shapes and movements, through my app.

I started with the coding and was able to get the user to draw a simple square


Unfortunately I wan't having a lot of success trying to get it to do anything else, so I ended up changing my idea to better suit my abilities and time frame.

I decided to switch to making an animation instead, in which the shapes would move around based on code input that would pop up on the screen.

My final animation was cut short by about 20 seconds as I had an extra bit on the end that played around with spinning circles, but I was unable to change the colours of them, and the alack and white looked weird tacked onto the end of my video which used blues/yellows, so I cut it out.

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